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How to Choose the Best Pot for Your Plant

Picking out a pot for your newly purchased houseplant can be just as fun as selecting the next plant to add to your home. At Art Terrarium we’re proud to have all sorts of potting options to fit you and your plant’s needs. From ceramics handmade by Midwestern potters to more economical terra cotta planters, there are lots of options to choose from in the shop. 

But before you make your decision, there are other factors to consider outside of if a pot matches your taste or home’s decor. 

In fact, the pot you choose can have a lasting effect on the health and well-being of your houseplant. From the size of the pot to the material that it’s made out of, there are lots of things to consider when choosing the perfect pot for your houseplant. 


When it comes to choosing a pot for your houseplant, the material it’s made out of matters. But this isn’t just about aesthetics, the material of your pot can affect how well the soil drains or how much moisture is retained. 

Terra cotta pots are a great option for indoor use, especially when it comes to plants that prefer dry soil, like succulents and cacti. These porous clay pots absorb water and allow excess moisture to be released from the soil more quickly. 

Plastic and glazed ceramic pots are excellent for tropical plants, which typically like their soil to stay moist. These pots hold in moisture, which allows you to go longer in between waterings.

Can you plant tropical plants in terra cotta and succulents in glazed pots? Absolutely! Just keep in mind that succulents in glazed pots will need less water and tropical plants in terra cotta will need more water.


It may seem simple, but the size of your pot has a big impact on the health of your houseplant over time. Have you noticed that all of our plants are labeled with sizes? Pro tip: These sizes refer to the diameter of the pot, not the size of the plant inside it. As your plant grows, you’ll need to re-pot it occasionally to let its roots extend and keep it looking its best.

But be careful—transferring your houseplant from a tiny pot to a much bigger vessel can shock the plant and cause it to stop growing properly. A good rule of thumb is to increase your pot size only by one or two inches for smaller plants and two to four inches for larger plants each time you re-pot. 


Proper drainage is key to keeping your houseplant happy and healthy. Especially if you’re dealing with a plant that likes to keep its roots dry, a lack of drainage can cause root rot and other maladies for pot-bound plants.  

If you happen to fall in love with a pot without drainage holes you have two options. First, you could drill your own drainage holes into the bottom of the pot. Be mindful of the pot’s material though. This will work well for plastic pots but may be risky for glazed ceramics that can crack more easily. 

If drilling holes isn’t an option, you can also add a layer of lava rock to the bottom of your pot before adding any soil. This will help mimic the drainage process that would happen if the pot had holes in the bottom and will help keep too much moisture for sitting in the bottom of your pot.