"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere." - Vincent Van Gogh
ZZ Plant
Spider Plant
Cast Iron Plant
We love houseplants for their ability to bring home a little bit of green and a breath of fresh air every day of the year. Having green-leafed friends at home can improve your mood and air quality, all while maintaining a beautiful aesthetic.
Healthy plants also make for a healthier you. If you’re looking for all the benefits of a houseplant (or a few!) but aren’t sure if you can keep one alive, we have fantastic news for you: some of our favorite plants to bring home are super tough! Whether you like to go on vacations, or forget to water your plants every now and then, there’s something out there for you that thrives on a little neglect. Here are some of our best low-maintenance plants:
You might have heard this plant called by one of its many other names: snake plant, ribbon plant, or mother-in-law’s tongue. So many different names gives away how popular this plant is! There are lots of varieties that come in all colors and patterns, but all of them have striking, thick, and waxy vertical leaves. This plant is a member of the succulent family and shares their easy care requirements.
Your sansevieria will be happy in nearly any spot in your home. They can make do in most lighting conditions, as long as it isn’t left under direct sunlight, where it can get a sunburn. This plant won’t be very thirsty and may only need to be watered every 2-6 weeks. If you poke your finger into its soil and it is dry up to your first knuckle, it is time to water again. You won’t need to fertilize this plant at all, and it will even care for you back by removing toxins like formaldehyde and nitrogen oxides from the air.
Pothos are all the proof needed to show that your plants don’t need to be doted on to be absolutely stunning! In fact, these houseplants aren’t picky about their care at all. They are happy with almost any level of lighting, even the dimmer corners of your home. They only need to be infrequent watering, allowing them to dry before you give them more to drink. Pothos have trailing stems that work well as a hanging basket, a climbing plant, or a potted plant, depending on your taste. They're completely versatile to fit what you want in your home.
With beautiful deep green, heart-shaped leaves, this ia a plant that loves you back! Pothos are great air purifiers. Take care having them around pets and small children as their leaves are poisonous to cats, dogs, and humans.
ZZ Plant
ZZ plants are the classic, easy plant, suitable for anyone! They are practically designed for the neglectful owner, and will only struggle if you’re paying too much attention to them. These plants are the perfect choice for that corner of your house you never thought something would survive in. The ZZ plant can manage fine in dim lighting and under fluorescents. While it prefers to be watered every few weeks, once the soil dries, it can survive for months without water. The only complaints you’ll hear from this plant are some yellow leaves if it is getting too much sun or water.
Enjoy the sturdy and glossy leaves of the ZZ Plant all you want with hardly any maintenance at all! This plant is nearly worry-free - just make sure that you keep children and pets away from eating any of its toxic leaves.

Spider Plant
There’s a reason that this plant has been a popular houseplant for a number of years. The Spider Plant has everything. It’s nearly impossible to kill, it requires very little light, and it clean toxins from the air. These plants have a unique aesthetic that adds a new element to whatever room you put them in. They’ll work well in pots, or even as hanging plants.Your spider plant will prefer to be kept evenly moist with semi-regular watering, but can tough out the occasional dry spell. Most rooms with some indirect sunlight will be more than adequate to fuel this hard-working plant. Spider plants are also truly worry-free - their dainty green and white leaves are not toxic to pets or humans.
Cast Iron Plant
This plant is forgiving and its toughness has earned its popular name as the “cast iron plant.” These plants can handle anything your home can throw at them: they work fine under extreme temperature swings, in various lighting conditions, and while they prefer to be watered semi-regularly, they are incredibly drought tolerant (if you forget every once in a while). Despite the tough name, the cast iron plant has beautiful and dainty leaves with cream variegations. This is the perfect tough plant for any corner of your home that needs a little green pick-me-up.
Houseplants don’t need to be exotic or high-maintenance to be beautiful! These tough plants are the perfect way for anyone and any home to have a tiny, urban jungle. Whether you’ve got a family of plants already or are looking for your first, these low-maintenance plants are the perfect foliage that loves you back, even when you forget about them.
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